"All the Glory" WALL ART
Grandma's Hands series grew out of response to a conversation about the Klu Klutz Klan, a white supremist terrorist group in the United States of America. In the discussion of the Klu Klutz Klan, the person who introduced the idea spoke quite matter of factly about this terror group. In response to the person's call, I needed an outlet and I turned to my art as a way to soothe the pain that I was experiencing, hearing conversations injest about the KKK. It caused me to recall my sharecropper grandmother and the sturggle she must have experienced living in the terrorist times in South Carolina, married and raised in a family of 10. Each piece within the series exemplifies the hands and how we as humans use our hands from crafting a quilt to uniting in a protest. Our hands represent what our future can be and what it must be as well as what our past has accomplsihed in pain or in joy.